海洋 Ocean 2

Slime Engine x Antigen pre-launch party

Slime Engine teamed up with label Antigen to present a visual and auditory feast at Shanghai's ALL Club, a new party experience to warm up for the launch of "Ocean 2.0". We designed the fonts, posters, and official account visuals for the event.

史莱姆引擎联手厂牌Antigen在上海ALL Club呈现了一场视觉与听觉的双重盛宴,以全新的派对体验为“海洋2.0”的上线预热。我们为其设计了字体、海报及订阅号视觉。

海洋 Ocean 2

Slime Engine x Antigen pre-launch party

Slime Engine teamed up with label Antigen to present a visual and auditory feast at Shanghai's ALL Club, a new party experience to warm up for the launch of "Ocean 2.0". We designed the fonts, posters, and official account visuals for the event.

史莱姆引擎联手厂牌Antigen在上海ALL Club呈现了一场视觉与听觉的双重盛宴,以全新的派对体验为“海洋2.0”的上线预热。我们为其设计了字体、海报及订阅号视觉。