33 “短暂地想象自己是一株植物”
戳客戳客 - 植物肖像系列
Chuokechuoke - Plant Portraits
Plant Portraits is a series of exhibitions presented by Poke Poke Poke and klee klee, with plants as the object of creation. Plants are one of the main forms of life, and through the perspectives of different creators, the true expression of time and life is recorded.
We plan the exhibition visuals according to the style of the artists in each installment, which includes exhibition display, exhibition movement, exhibition rendering, exhibition posters, folding pages, postcards and so on.
植物肖像是戳客戳客和klee klee共同呈现的,以植物为创作对象的系列展览。植物是生命的主要形式之一,通过不同创作者的视角,记录下时间和生命的真实表现。

33 “短暂地想象自己是一株植物”
戳客戳客 - 植物肖像系列
Chuokechuoke - Plant Portraits
Plant Portraits is a series of exhibitions presented by Poke Poke Poke and klee klee, with plants as the object of creation. Plants are one of the main forms of life, and through the perspectives of different creators, the true expression of time and life is recorded.
We plan the exhibition visuals according to the style of the artists in each installment, which includes exhibition display, exhibition movement, exhibition rendering, exhibition posters, folding pages, postcards and so on.
植物肖像是戳客戳客和klee klee共同呈现的,以植物为创作对象的系列展览。植物是生命的主要形式之一,通过不同创作者的视角,记录下时间和生命的真实表现。